I love sculpting these forms but more importantly, just like with hands, I’m interested in the human “parts” that help us to communicate. (Thus, I don’t make livers and kidneys as some people have asked.) Hearts, brains and eyes each play unique roles in how we relate to each other.
In simplistic terms, hearts symbolize compassion and kindness, while brains refer to logic and practicality. Together, the two create balance, produce (hopefully) thought-fulness and keep us from going haywire! Eyes - there’s vision and then there’s the clarity that comes with seeing.
For me, when I fashion each in glass these meanings become tangible, and the objects precious. Place them on a windowsill and watch them glow in the light. Like they do for me, they might just remind you to try to be the person you want to be.
The customers who buy these are frequently in the medical profession or have a loved one who’s had a tangle with one of the “trio.” One couple bought a heart-brain set to remind them that their marriage is the perfect balanced match!